Bill Pay

Bill paying made simple
Paying all your bills with Salem Five Online Bill Pay makes sense in many ways. Not only can you pay any bill, any time—from utilities to loan payments to local vendors—but you can do it all in one place, rather than logging into each payee’s website, or worse, writing a check, buying a stamp, and risking its being lost in the mail. With Online Bill Pay, you can:
Bill Pay FAQs
How does Bill Payment work?
Online Bill Payment is a service that allows you to set up bill payments to businesses and individuals. You enter payment instructions and your payment will be sent electronically or by check and the funds will be deducted from your funding account.
Can I use online bill pay from outside the United States?
When is the payment for a bill pay debited from my account?
Funds will be withdrawn from your account on the "Deliver by Date" you specify in the payment. If a paper check is mailed, funds will be withdrawn when the check is cashed/deposited.
How long does it take for a payment to reach a payee?
Electronic payments generally require three business days. Check payments may take up to six business days for the payment to be credited to your account.
What type of accounts can I use Bill Payment with?
Salem Five checking accounts.
How long is Bill Payment history kept?
Bill Payment history is kept for up to 13 months.
What is the fee for Online Banking and Online Banking with Bill Pay?
The initial set-up is free, and monthly fees vary by product. See our Consumer Fee Schedule for more details.
What does the status "Cancelled," on my Bill Payment History report mean?
This means that your payment has not been made and must be re-initiated.
How do I edit the payment amount of a recurring pending payment?
You can edit the pending payment amount by clicking on "Pay Bills" and clicking on the amount listed under the "Pending Payments" box.
How do I stop a scheduled payment?
You can stop a scheduled payment by clicking on the "CANCEL" option next to the payee within the pending payments section.
Is there a cutoff time to cancel and online bill payment?
Yes, the cutoff time is 9:00 pm ET. If the payment cannot be cancelled, you can contact Customer Support at (800) 850-5000. Stop payments done at a Salem Five location will be charged a fee.
- When setting up a recurring transfer or payment does "indefinitely" really mean indefinitely or is there a hidden timeframe?
How do I add a payee?
Click on the following:
- Pay Bills
- Payment Center (if not selected)
- Add a company or person
How do I delete a payee?
Click on the payee from under the "Payment Center" tab and click "Remove."
If I delete a payee, will it be permanently deleted?
No, a payee will never be permanently deleted. If you delete a payee and would like them reinstated, please contact us to make it active again.
How do I edit or change a payee's name and address?
Click on payee from the "Payment Center" tab and make changes. Click "Save Changes."
How do I set up recurring payments?
From the Payment Center, go to "Payee" and click "Autopay."
Are there any restrictions when using Salem Five's Online Bill Pay?
There are a few restrictions. Tax payments, government payments, court ordered payments and international payments are NOT allowed via Bill Pay.
Can I make a payment to my Salem Five Loans?
Yes, you can make a payment to your loan by making a transfer from your checking account to your loan.
Where do I go to see a payment that has been sent yet does not seem to appear anywhere?
The previous day’s payments can be viewed by clicking on "Activity."