Let's discuss the risks associated with social media use and explore ways to safeguard yourself and your loved ones on these platforms ...
Remote Deposit Capture

Check deposits are just a click away
Save time and deposit your checks from your PC. Remote Deposit Capture lets you simply take pictures of your checks and then securely deposit them electronically. All check images are saved digitally and you get next business day available credit on deposits transmitted before 5:00 p.m.
Remote Deposit Capture FAQs
What is Remote Deposit Capture and what do I need to get started?
Remote Deposit Capture allows businesses to capture checks at their business location and then transmit the check images and data electronically to Salem Five Bank for posting and clearing without any need for physical transportation. All that is needed is a PC, secure Internet connection, and scanning device.
What are the benefits of Remote Deposit Capture?
With Remote Deposit Capture you can process and deposit checks and payments electronically, while accelerating funds availability, improving fraud detection and enhancing labor efficiencies. Reduced trips to the bank, streamlined operations, expedited funds availability, minimized risk of fraud and simplified bookkeeping are just a few of the many benefits you will realize.
How does Remote Deposit Capture expedite funds availability?
By eliminating the physical transportation of checks, your customers’ checks clear faster and fraudulent checks are identified sooner. Deposits made before 5:00pm will receive next business day available credit.
Can a check be scanned and deposited twice?
The solution has sophisticated duplicate detection technology that alerts you if you send the same check through twice and prompts you to make a decision about the item in question.
Do I have to go through a lot of training to learn to use Remote Deposit Capture?
There are no time-consuming classes or complicated instruction manuals associated with learning to install and use Remote Deposit Capture. You’ll be up and running in no time thanks to our installation wizards and web-based training features. Set-up takes a matter of minutes, and with training and support just a click away, you’ll feel confident and comfortable using the right solution from the start.
What browsers can be used for Remote Deposit Capture?
The Remote Deposit Capture product can use either Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.
Can I use an Apple computer to make deposits with Remote Deposit Capture?
Apple computer users must use Google Chrome or Windows for Apple to make Remote Deposit Capture deposits.
What is Multi-Factor Authentication?
This is a one-time setup per device to authorize it to connect with the asp service to perform Remote Deposit Capture.
Whom do I contact to find out more about Remote Deposit Capture?
Business customers can send an email request to Cash.Management@salemfive.com to inquire about the service.
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